Saturday, February 5, 2011

Time Travel

In the Bay Area, designer teas came into fashion at the same time as exotic cocktails. I don't drink so I'm clueless about the cocktails, but Deb and I often write at L'Amyx, an exotic tea bar in Piedmont. The prices are outrageous, but the atmosphere is serene. Besides, the place is fairly empty so it's a good spot to write. This time our subject was "Find Your Way in A City." We both went to town on that one.  Deb wrote about Arequipa, a city in Peru that she visited last year and I wrote about San Francisco:

Those were the days, when I used to walk from my flat in the upper Haight down to the lower Fillmore; then through the housing projects (I was only mugged once, but thankfully not hurt), and up Fillmore Street, up and up and up into Pacific Heights, at last to arrive at the San Francisco Art Institute where I walked through wide wooden doors to the open courtyard (Spanish style with a tiled fountain in the center) and up again -- via a flight of stairs -- to the flat concrete roof that overlooked the city -- as well as the bay dotted with sailboats, the Golden Gate Bridge, and the Pacific Ocean. What more could you ask for?

1 comment:

  1. Deb's posting on Peru made me think of my time in Mexico, a long time ago.
