Friday, February 11, 2011

Pajama Game

I spent the day in my pajamas because I didn't sleep well. I kept thinking I'd take a nap so why get dressed? I never made it back to bed, but I never made it out of my pajamas, either. Needless to say, I stayed inside all day. It wasn't a good day. Some bad news floated in via the telephone; then we heard that Mubarak had refused to step down, which depressed us further.

"You must have had an intuition to stay close to home," Bob commented. "Like you knew things were going to be rough." Well, maybe. It's always hard to tell in hindsight whether your intuition is at work or just happenstance.

So I made chicken soup and watched another Italian movie. This one was called Mid-August Lunch, one of the recent rash of warm and fuzzy European movies about a celebratory meal. It was about a middle-aged guy who ends up taking care of four old ladies overnight, including his mother. It was heartwarming. Shuffling around in my pajamas, I felt like one of those old ladies, only without a celebratory meal, a handsome Italian guy or a bottle of wine to cheer me up.

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