Wednesday, June 1, 2011


I finally started work on my art journal. I made seven pages that I'm pleased with, but now I'm stuck. Part of the reason I like them is that I used my friend Christina's cast-off prints as backgrounds. Technically, it wasn't art theft since she donated them to me, but they were not my own. I sort of made them my own by embellishing them with a few things, mostly cut-out words. That was fun, but now I'm going through performance anxiety. I'm afraid that the next few pages won't be as good as the first. Christina says, "Don't worry about it. The book will be what it wants to be," but I am worried. What if I make some IRREVERSIBLE mistake?

1 comment:

  1. Irreversible mistake in an art journal? You tear out the page silly. Now life's another matter...
