Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Summer Days

After the hot spell a couple of weeks ago, cooler weather moved in. The temperature is in the low sixties and skies are gray. Maybe that's why I continue to make pages in my art journal in pewter or silver tones. The grocery stores are overflowing with summer foods: artichokes, corn on the cob, ripe peaches, bright nectarines and dark burnished plums, but it's cool enough that I put on a sweater before I go out to shop. At night, I sleep under a comforter and blanket. In spite of the cool weather, it still feels like summer. The days are growing shorter, but imperceptibly. The idyll has not yet ended.


  1. I cannot for the life of me figure out what this is!

  2. i like how this turned out! lovely with a touch of creepy.
