Friday, July 22, 2011

Les Mots

It was a hot day two days ago. Fortunately, I spent it at Christina's house doing artwork at her dining room table. It was an ideal place to work. The air conditioner hummed comfortingly on one side of us and Nina and Gigi, her two dogs, stretched out on the other side of us taking an afternoon snooze.

We worked on our art journals. She has more than one going at a time, but the one she worked on is called "Les Mots." Appropriately, it is full of cutup words and phrases that sometimes fall accidentally or not so accidentally into poems. She made a page of pictures this time, though, with cool translucent blues to sooth our overheated souls. I made a page of cool greens, which I later altered with an upside down woman kneeling on a beach.

It's soothing to work with another person, each of us sorting and pasting our images onto the page or sometimes tossing them across the table to each other. I gave her a glowing brown seashell and she gave me a deep green page that I used later as a background for the image you see above.