Saturday, September 10, 2011

Complaints from Utopia

So far our September days have been beautiful, but I'm miserable because of the breezy weather. It wreaks havoc on my sinuses. I'm not sure we have traditional seasons on the West Coast in the same way they do back east. (I feel lucky that we haven't had their extreme weather patterns, at least not so far) but we do have our own sorts of seasons. This is fire season, when the weather is hot and dry and the winds create the danger of spreading forest fires. If there's a rainstorm and lightning sets fire to a tree, that's also dangerous. I worry about the danger even more since our governor Jerry Brown has closed down some of the state parks because of budget constraints. Unsupervised wilderness is a disaster just waiting to happen, be it a wildfire or a haven for wild folk.

Well, I hate to be gloomy, but these last days of summer do habitually fill me with gloom. My allergies metaphorically run as wild as forest fires. I stagger through the days with runny or dried up nose and swollen eyes, feeling so spacey that it's hard to focus on anything, be it work or play. There's nothing to do but burrow down in my misery and wait it out until the weather changes, which hopefully will be soon -- though past experience tells me that this woeful state of affairs (perfect blue skies and sunny days, diabolically hiding nasty pollen and dust mites) could last through October and even up to Thanksgiving.

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