Thursday, March 10, 2011

Cobalt Blue

I'm in the middle of things so there's not much to write about. You know, those things that make up so much of life, but are extremely tedious -- like I had to put air in my car's tire because it was low. It was low because there was a nail in it so I had to take it in to get patched, but it couldn't be patched so I had to buy a new tire. Then Toyota  sent me a recall notice so now I have to take it in to the dealer. But first I have to find a dealer to take it to. And then I have to make an appointment. And then I have to take it in.  And as long as I'm doing that, I should get the brakes checked.

I'm painting my next collage card. I like to Gesso and then paint the cardboard before I glue on the images. I decided on cobalt blue, but then I discovered I only had a little left in the bottle. So I had to go to the art store and buy another bottle. Cobalt blue is expensive, I discovered, and it doesn't layer well. With some colors you just have to do one layer, but the blues are a pain. You need to apply several coats. In this case, three layers sufficed, but I had to wait until each layer dried before applying the next.

And I have a dental appointment later today so I need to drive to the city. But first I must make sure I have enough money for the bridge toll.  If I don't, I'll have to make an ATM stop.

I just read my horoscope: "You might be extra busy today, especially if you have lots of loose ends to tie up prior to going out and having fun. It doesn't matter if you need to return to work afterward; you still should be able to make time to play later in the afternoon or evening. However, don't procrastinate; it's best to get the hardest jobs out of the way at the beginning of the day."

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